Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It's a sad time for justice when the convictions of not just one but many people are being relooked at due to one doctor's overzealous desire gets out of control. In Canada, an inquiry coined the Goudge Inquiry started to look at the forensic pathology of infants and small children by a man named Dr. Smith. I suspect Dr. Smith had good intentions as anyone who hurts babies and children ought to be punished to the fullest extent but when that need is overcome by too much passion, innocent people begin to suffer.

The purpose of the Goudge Commission was to:

The Commission's mandate is to conduct a systemic review and to assess the policies, procedures, practices, accountability and oversight mechanisms, quality control measures and institutional arrangements of pediatric forensic pathology in Ontario from 1981 to 2001 as they relate to its practice and use in investigations and criminal proceedings.

The Commission will also review and assess the legislative and regulatory provisions related to the practice of pediatric forensic pathology between 1981 and 2001 and any changes in the above after 2001.

The Commission is to make recommendations to restore and enhance public confidence in pediatric forensic pathology in Ontario and its future use in investigations and criminal proceedings.

The Government appointed Senator Larry Campbell to chair an expert medical and scientific panel which shall report to the Commissioner and provide information and advice to him.

The Commission's mandate does not include reporting on any individual cases that have been or may subject to a criminal investigation or proceeding.

Prior to SBS hitting me personally, I believed all I read in the news stories and didn't question doctors. Funny how one moment in time can change lives so drastically.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

SBS Can Happen to Anyone

My goal in this whole shaken baby syndrome mess is to educate the general public on the short comings of this crime and diagnosis. I don't advocate turning our backs on those that injure children rather I want the truth to be found. I think the doctors and police owe it to the public to investigate all suspicious injuries and deaths to the fullest.

Doctors should not assume that because a child/baby presents itself with injuries inconsistent to a fall or symptoms that appeared out of nowhere that it's consistent with SBS. Doctors are too quick to accuse people based on brain hemorrhages and retinal hemorrhages alone that abuse had to occur. They refuse to consider other ailments or even medical care that could have either caused or increased the damage. There have been studies showing that CPR can produce retinal hemorrhages. It is possible for a panicked parent or care giver to hurt a child by providing CPR if that person has not received training.

When a child arrives at a hospital with seizing activity, they load them with anti-seizure medications. Doses that are adult strength ... doses that have contraindications with other drugs they administer all at once or one on top of the other. There are known drugs that should not be given to certain conditions such as heparin or mannitol.

What is most alarming is doctors routinely do NOT investigate the child's medical history when assessing the situation and this includes the pathologist/coroner. A minority of doctors advocate ruling out all possible underlying ailments prior to assessing blame. While it's noble to protect innocent children and punish the guilty, it's criminal to be the cause behind imprisoning innocent people.

Vaccinations are immediately not considered as plausible causes to deaths or other serious adverse events. In spite of studies, that are not widely publicized, there are numerous events that occur to include deaths. The reporting process is completely voluntarily reported. Even officials admit a short coming is that only a small percentage are actually reported. Although vaccinations may be okay for most children, there are a handful that do not respond well to the deadly concoctions of lethal ingredients. We have no idea what the long term implications are in children as they age. The number of required and recommended vaccinations have tripled over the years and parents are uninformed on the potential risks and no one really publicizes what a multi-billion dollar business this area is.

Another issue is short falls. Biomechnic engineers have refuted the belief that a child cannot suffer a serious injury or death due to a short fall. Others such as Dr. John Plunkett published research findings to counter those claims. Unfortunately, because this small minority of doctors detract from the 1970ish claim by Dr. Caffey, they are considered quacks. The "rules" surrounding SBS change and are modified to encompass many symptoms. No concise research can be done due to the obvious fact you can't shake babies to prove the theory. SBS is only a theory ... period.

To see some of the injustices, search for Ken Marsh, Audrey Edmunds, Alan Yurko.

If we can get it wrong with all the recent releases of wrongfully convicted people due to DNA testing, why is it so unbelievable that we have it wrong when it comes to the SBS THEORY?

Monday, May 19, 2008

Vaccination Link Study in 1994

I was alerted of a blog entry by a pre-med student in Russia and was more interested when I saw one of the postings by a doctor who rudely responded to a mother who claimed her child was injured by vaccinations. It's interesting to see such intolerance by the medical community and such denial of something that seems so obvious.

Just because the vast majority of children do not react to vaccinations immediately, it does not mean that some children are predisposed to suffer a serious adverse reaction post vaccination. There needs to be more guidance on how to vaccinate and when to vaccinate. Doctors really have no understanding of the long term implications of vaccinations either. We are now vaccinating children to prevent non-threatening diseases. The irony of it all is the vaccinations appear to wear off and as adults, we become vulnerable to the disease and in some cases, are in more jeopardy of the effects had we not even been vaccinated.

This study was published in 1994. If you scroll down, the online version is readable:

I can agree that some vaccinations are good but I'm offended that the mainstream medical community continues to deny the effects vaccinations can have on children. I am furious that these same doctors deny that these reactions are not investigated further instead of just merely relying on shaken baby syndrome as the catch all for anything they can't explain based on surface diagnosis.

I guess it will take a high profile celebrity like Jenny McCarthy to bring justice to the SBS world of convict anyone and everyone as long as it's the last person with the child and seek out no more ...

Friday, May 16, 2008

Shaken Baby Syndrome Scandel

There are more and more doctors claiming that shaken baby syndrom (SBS) is not proven to be a true diagnosis. If researched, SBS is based on a theory! People will say there are people who have admitted to shaking so therefore, it's true. What the average law abiding person does not understand is police interrogations can be brutal and harsh. People are usually devasted when put in a situation such as being accused of SBS or blunt force trauma or anything else connected to a constellation of injuries associated with SBS. People will eventually conform to what they are being told they did and often times, interviewers will distort facts to manipulate the person thinking they have something on them and if they confess, they will get a lesser punishment. That is the true crime.

If doctors and police would properly investigator and not close the door on underlying medical conditions to include vaccination injuries, the truth might come out and innocent people may not be sent to jail. Doctors, police and social workers have been brain washed to believe if a child presents with a brain injury of any kind and/or retinal hemorrhages, it has to be abuse. They close their minds on looking for more information and maybe some day, people might start investigating the standard of care given to these poor babies and children and realize had the doctors properly diagnosed, the child might be alive today. How many people really understand how the standard of care most likely caused the child to die? These doctors due to poor decisions ordered procedures, medicines or not ordered the proper procedures and medicine may have been the real reason that children are dying. These same doctors testify at court against the accused proclaiming to get no money for their time while berating the one or two experts who challenge the SBS theory. It's not justice .. it's not innocent until proven guilty in these cases.

Please research SBS and the controversy surrounding it. Just because a few doctors are coming forward to counter the majority, it does not make them quacks. It makes them smart for realizing the flaws in current thinking and it makes them brave for taking a stand. After all, doctors are not perfect and doctors DO make mistakes. Look at the poor babies in Indianapolis that died due to the Heparin mistake at Methodist Hospital. One of the same hospitals that are high on the list of the SBS bandwagon. Wonder why Indiana is top of the list for SBS deaths ... go ask the "forensic pediatrician" as she can tell you more.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Advice to the Falsely Accused

I was going to go one direction with this blog and switched over to a topic near and dear to me, shaken baby syndrome (SBS).

I found a story from a reporter that I feel is very courageous. This reporter showed another side of SBS that contradicts the majority of the medical profession. Fortunately for thousands, doctors are coming forward to debunk the myth behind SBS. SBS is only a theory .. yes, a theory! For all obvious reasons, they cannot test to prove it. They have conducted tests on animals and dolls specifically created to detect shaking injuries and no force could be exerted that would show the same constellation of injuries that the standards are based on. If any doctor debunks the age old myth started by Dr. Caffey, they are considered crazy or out of their minds. What they don't want you to know is Dr. Caffey backtracked on some of his original "findings" which led doubt to the theory.

Most blogs or comments noted on news sites are very intolerant and hateful towards anyone suspected, charged or found guilty. People don't understand that new scientific evidence does in fact cast doubt on SBS. The only way a majority of the people will understand if one of their loved one's become the unfortunate one to be the last one left with the child. Doctors in ERs and pathologists do not investigate all potential underlying causes that a child may present with. They usually do not look at the entire medical history of a child nor do they consider vaccinations as a culprit. Yes, vaccinations for the large part do not cause life threatening or disabling events but for the children that have something underlying in their tiny little bodies, these adult mega doses of combination vaccines (sometimes live) can create the perfect storm to unleash something horrible. There is a reason there is a vaccinate alert database that captures reported injuries. However, studies have shown that most injuries/events are not reported which waters down the real number or effect of the injuries/events associated with vaccines.

David Crowe wrote a news article which can be found here:

He also adds:

Financial problems with these cases are common, as 200 to 300 hours of medical research are required for each case, or even more. Dr. Mohammed Al-Bayati has set up a non-profit organization, the “International Center for Better Medicine”, so that other people can assist with the payment of his fees. Checks can be sent to this organization at 150 Bloom Drive, Dixon, CA, 95620. While Al-Bayati has acted pro-bono in several cases, he cannot always afford to do so. Every $100 donated ensures that accused parents get one hour of the best medical-legal expertise.